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NCV7321D11R2G LIN transceiver, standalone


LIN transceiver, standalone
Numărul piesei
Communication interface chip/UART/485/232 > LIN transceiver
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Numarul de pachete
The NCV7321 is a full-featured Local Internet (LIN) transceiver for interfacing between LIN protocol controllers and physical buses. The transceiver is implemented in I3T technology, which enables the coexistence of high-voltage analog circuits and digital functions on the same chip. The NCV7321 LIN device is part of the In-Vehicle Networking (IVN) transceiver family. The LIN bus is suitable for sending low-speed data from control devices such as door locks, mirrors, car seats and sunroofs at the lowest possible cost. The bus is adapted to eliminate as much wiring as possible, implementing it with one wire in each node. Each node has a slave MCU state machine that recognizes and translates instructions specific to that function. The main advantage of the LIN bus is that all these characteristics are not time-critical functions, usually related to passenger comfort.
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În stoc 52164 PCS
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Cuvinte cheie ale NCV7321D11R2G
NCV7321D11R2G Componente electronice
NCV7321D11R2G Vânzări
NCV7321D11R2G Furnizor
NCV7321D11R2G Distribuitor
NCV7321D11R2G Tabel de date
NCV7321D11R2G Fotografii
NCV7321D11R2G Preț
NCV7321D11R2G Oferi
NCV7321D11R2G Cel mai mic pret
NCV7321D11R2G Căutare
NCV7321D11R2G Achizitie
NCV7321D11R2G Chip