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NC7SZ125P5X TinyLogic UHS buffer with 3-state output


TinyLogic UHS buffer with 3-state output
Numărul piesei
Logic Devices > Buffers/Drivers/Transceivers
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Numarul de pachete
The NC7SZ125 is a single buffer with 3-state output, part of ON Semiconductor's TinyLogic Ultra High Speed ​​(UHS) family. The device is fabricated using an advanced CMOS process that enables ultra-high speed and high output drive while maintaining low static power consumption over a very wide VCC operating range. The device is specified for operation from 1.65 to 5.5V. When VCC is 0V, the input and output are high impedance above ground. The input is tolerant to 6V regardless of VCC operating voltage. In 3-state condition, the output withstand voltage is higher than VCC.
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În stoc 56392 PCS
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Cuvinte cheie ale NC7SZ125P5X
NC7SZ125P5X Componente electronice
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NC7SZ125P5X Achizitie
NC7SZ125P5X Chip