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FOD8318R2 Logic Input 1 Channel Isolation Voltage (rms): 4243V 2.5 A Output Current, IGBT Driving Optocoupler with Active Miller Clamp, Desaturation Detection and Isolated Fault Sensing


Logic Input 1 Channel Isolation Voltage (rms): 4243V 2.5 A Output Current, IGBT Driving Optocoupler with Active Miller Clamp, Desaturation Detection and Isolated Fault Sensing
Numărul piesei
Optocoupler/LED/Digital Tube/Optoelectronic Device > Optocoupler-Logic Output
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Numarul de pachete
The FOD8318 is an advanced 2.5µA output current IGBT driver optocoupler capable of driving most 1200V/150A IGBTs. It is suitable for fast switching drive of power IGBTs and MOSFETs used in motor control inverter applications and high performance power systems. It includes an integrated gate drive optocoupler with low RDS(ON) CMOS transistors to drive the IGBT between rails and a high speed isolated feedback for fault sensing. The FOD8318 features an active Miller clamp to turn off the IGBT at high dv/dt without negative supply voltage. It provides the important protection features needed to protect against fault conditions that lead to destructive thermal dissipation of the IGBT. It utilizes ON Semiconductor's proprietary coplanar Optoplanar encapsulation technology and optimized IC design to achieve high noise immunity with high common-mode rejection and power supply rejection specifications. The device is encapsulated in a compact 16-pin small plastic encapsulation and meets 8mm creepage and spacing requirements.
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În stoc 87016 PCS
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